by Celestine Mihaela
Fearful words lovin' your ear
Oh, dear soul...
Shall I become but sorrow?
Shall I become but sorrow?
Protection of your weakness
Makes me swallow
Makes me swallow
Those dreadful tears born inside.
Mild and mild...
The streets are poisoned, still.
Shivering hat covers your pain,
Sickness and ill.
Hello, my barred heart...
Is it you,
Emptiness around me, as a beggar?
So clever yet so swagger...
Crossing by
Just tell me...why?
Why buy the Universe from inside-out?
Why let myself bargain what is right,
or wrong...
A painless song?
Virtue in my ears...
To leave you out?
To let you breathe?
Spread myself in flying
No longer trapped by dying.
I'm free.
So just breathe... me.
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RăspundețiȘtergereMult prea frumos:X Dumnezeiesc:Ximi place:D
RăspundețiȘtergerethe light bears the footsteps of mankind, holding our little soul-lights that draw a beautiful mandala into the clean air of the morning, whispers from the wind.
RăspundețiȘtergerethe freedom is inside as well as outside, at the same time and at no time at all. one has just to believe.
love will set us all free.
wings to your flight!
Va multumesc tuturor :)
RăspundețiȘtergereMa bucur sa te descopar cu fiecare vers.Imi oferi beatitudine intodeauna.Probabil nu trebuie sa mai spun nimic,este evident genial!:X
RăspundețiȘtergereSo just breathe ... me ...